Notion AIでワークフローを強化する9つのテンプレート

Notion AIは、Notionワークスペースに完全統合されたコネクテッドAIアシスタントです。仕事のスピードや品質を向上し、創造性を解き放つお手伝いをします。Notion AIは指示を受け取ると、ページのコンテキストに基づいてインテリジェントな応答を行います。休暇の計画を立てている場合でも、職務概要のドラフトを作成している場合でも、Notion AIをで日々の作業をスピーディに終わらせて、もっと重要なことに集中できるようになります。


1Product Launch Announcement (w/ Notion AI)

You’ve done the hard work of actually building the product, now you just need to launch it. Start with Notion AI.

Writing a perfect launch announcement can help make sure your product launches with users and goes a long way toward making a successful product. Just paste in your product spec to your doc and let Notion AI take a first pass.

Product Launch Announcement (w/ Notion AI)のテンプレートのプレビュー

2Feature FAQs (w/ Notion AI)

When you launch a new feature, your customers are going to have a lot of questions. Let Notion AI write them for you.

Help your customer experience and support teams go in with answers to the toughest questions that users will end up having. Simply paste in your product spec and let Notion AI take care of the rest.

Feature FAQs (w/ Notion AI)のテンプレートのプレビュー

3Notion AIで旅行計画

旅行に行きたくなったら、Notion AIからインスピレーションをもらいましょう。頭に浮かんだテーマを伝えれば、Notion AIが夢の旅行計画を作ってくれます。

Notion AIで旅行計画のテンプレートのプレビュー

4AI Sales Outreach Email

Landing new customers can be a challenge - Notion AI can help you get it done.

Provide us some information about your company, themes to include, and let Notion AI craft the perfect message.

AI Sales Outreach Email のテンプレートのプレビュー

5AI Weekly Meal Prep Planner

Planning meals for the week can be really challenging process. Let AI spice up your diet!

Tell us what you have in your fridge, the flavors you want to eat, and Notion AI will handle the rest. It'll even preparing a shopping list for you!

AI Weekly Meal Prep Plannerのテンプレートのプレビュー

6AI Job Description Writer

Finding your dream candidate starts with the perfect job description. Don’t go it alone — let Notion AI help.

A job description is any potential candidate’s first impression of your job, and AI can help you craft that perfect message. Provide some details about your company, the position you’re recruiting for, and let Notion AI do the rest.

AI Job Description Writerのテンプレートのプレビュー

7AI Meeting Summaries

Meeting follow-ups are always the same: someone writes (or forgets to write) a summary, assigns action items, etc. Let Notion AI take care of it for you.

After the meetings over, simply use this smart meeting notes template to process and write the summary. Meetings get more productive and you have to do less work!

AI Meeting Summariesのテンプレートのプレビュー

8Product Localization (w/ Notion AI)

Moving your product from one language to many is a challenge for any company. Kick off the process with Notion AI.

Take common product actions and generate a set of translations that you can easily plug in to your product.

Product Localization (w/ Notion AI)のテンプレートのプレビュー

9Recruiting Outreach (w/ Notion AI)

You never know what email headline is going to grab the attention of your top candidates - let Notion AI give you some ideas.

Tell us a little more about your company, the candidate and your experience, and we'll help you craft the perfect message.

Recruiting Outreach (w/ Notion AI)のテンプレートのプレビュー


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